BACKGROUND // Circus artist_ Performer_ Researcher_ Artistic director

I worked at the KIEZ in Hamburg – the red light district – and at the National Theatre of Tunis. I studied in a circus school in Tilburg (NL), quit after a while, studied psychology, dance and physical theatre on my own rhythm between Germany and Spain, Catalunya, Barcelona, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. The fact that I was born in the year the Berlin Wall fell, is significant for me, since it keeps me questioning all mental and physical boundaries humankind created. I’m from an ancient glass maker family, also known as Bohemian glass makers, which has influenced my fascination for forms and reflections. 


My passion for circus and criticizing it at the same time was the reason to initiate the project #reflexionsdecirc (reflectionsoncircus) and the dramaturgy exchange days at La Central del Circ in Barcelona.

During the last years I focused on circus dramaturgy and the research on creative processes.

Since 2023 the NAU Churuduu is my space for artistic creation, research and collaboration, situaded in Manlleu, Osona – Barcelona.

It is a space to enhance circus as a movement language, exploring new dramaturgies. Furthermore it wants to stimulate and facilitate a strong connection to visual arts and crafts.  Currently it is a space especially dedicated to the research with glass.

Some facts:

2018/19 Circus Dramaturgie Certificate, Centre National des Arts du Cirque Châlons en Champagne (FR) and Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque Brussels

2010- 2015 B.Sc. Psychology, (thesis: Regulation of emotions and interhemispheric communication), FernUniversität Hagen

2009-2010 “Propedeuse“ (dutch diploma) in Circus and Performance Art, Fontys Hogescholen voor de Kunsten, Tilburg, NL

++dance and movement trainings ++

Festivals and venues played on:

Festival OFF Avignon, Mercat de les Flors, Journée Théâtrales de Catharge, Fira Mediterranea de Manresa, Teatre Principal de Olot, Sprechwerk Hamburg, Gran Teatro de Caceres, B-FIT in the Street Festival Bucharest, La Muralla en Danza Pamplona, La Bisbal, Fringe Festival Madrid, Theaterspektakel Zürich, Umore Azoka, Berlin Circus Festival, Teatro Guimerá Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Festival Presente Futuro- Teatro Libero Palermo….

Residences and support:

Generalitat de Catalunya, Premis de Barcelona, Mercat de les Flors, INAEM, Ramon Llull, Cirqueon, Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Wroclawski Instytut Kultury – Mobility Fund, Becas BCN Crea, Convent de les Arts, Cirklabo, CircusNext+, EU Circus Incubator Project Montreal and Helsinki, Research scholarship Generalitat de Catalunya, Incubator Scholarship La Central del Circ, The Arts Printing House Vilnius; KONVENT, Ponderosa Movement and Discovery, La Central del Circ, Lleialtat Santsenca, NunArt Barcelona, Kulturbahnhof Ottersberg, L’Estruch de Sabadell, LaBonita, Centre Civic El Sortidor, Nau Ivanow, Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel, Encirca’t Arenys de Munt, LaBau, Can Gassol Mataró, Fira Mediterrànea de Manresa, Fundación La Plana, Zirkozaurre, CRAC…