I write texts and movement. I believe in the figure of the ‘thinking body’: a way of writing that emerges with no intervention from the linguistic centre of the brain. Sometimes I use texts in scenic compositions, sometimes I get started from an idea or a mental concept, sometimes from a movement or a sensation: an intuition that my own consciousness doesn’t know where it comes from. 

I work on textures and movement qualities and how the form transmits content. Also interdisciplinary, with Circus as a language. Within the collective Fam. Lizajous I co-created the piece “La Red” and collaborated with Norfeu Music. I have worked on the long-term project “I Love My Car” and also as a director and dramaturg on the creation “Breach” with Cía Som Noise, supported and accompanied by the circusnext+ program. In 2022 I premiered my piece Kristall Bohème at the Mercat de les Flors, rediscovering the glassmaker tradition of her family. Since then galss has been part of my artistic research. Currently I’m in the creation process of Sklenka Melta, a quintett between four bodies and the material of glass.



Circus as a space of experimentation and freedom that creates new ways to relate to each other, new links in the community. An experience in which we can free ourselves of opressive ideas based on class, race and gender.

Working on textures and movement qualities, and how form is transmitting content.
Working on textures and movement qualities, and how form is transmitting content.
[ENG] As a creator I don't believe in the heroic artist, rather I search for a way how to enhance collective creativity, how to give impulses and create common universes.
[ENG] As a creator I don't believe in the heroic artist, rather I search for a way how to enhance collective creativity, how to give impulses and create common universes.
Physical research of a social issue: when does a touching hand becomes an abusing hand? // Breach - Cía Som Noise
Physical research of a social issue: when does a touching hand becomes an abusing hand? // Breach - Cía Som Noise